Thumbnail SketchesMany of my customers request pencil thumbnail sketches to personalize their print. Sketches are available for any of my prints and can be done of any theme imaginable. Thumbnail sketches also add a very unique quality and tend to increase the value of a print - especially if the print is no longer available. Below are several examples on previously sold prints.
Thumbnail Sketch on "Brotherhood"for the Canadian Forces College as part of a US-Canadian 2-10 US Marine Corps Artillery Thumbnail Sketch Personalization Sepulvado on "Brotherhood" Jumpmaster and HALO Wings on "Red Badge of Courage" 55 PSB Crest on "2nd Brigade Combat Team" 325th PIR Crest on "Paratrooper Cadillac" Iraqi Contour and 319th AFAR Crest on "Paratrooper Cadillac" USMC on "Thus Ever to Tyrants" Afghanistan Contour and USASOC Patch on "Let Freedom Ring" Navy SEAL Trident on "Let Freedom Ring" Iraqi Contour on "Let Freedom Ring" CJSOTF-A Crest on "Let Freedom Ring" Virginia State Seal on "Let Freedom Ring" 3-21st Infantry Crest on "Follow Me" 25th Infantry Division Patch on "Follow Me" 82nd Foward Support Battalion Crest on "Paratrooper Cadillac" General Lee Flag on "Paratrooper Cadillac" Ordnance Corps Crest on "Paratrooper Cadillac" 1-505th Parachute Infantry Regiment Crest on "Paratrooper Cadillac" 3rd Infantry Division Patch on "Paratrooper Cadillac" 307th Engineers Crest on "Paratrooper Cadillac" Harley-Davidson Crest on "Paratrooper Cadillac" 3rd Special Forces Group Crest on "Paratrooper Cadillac" VMI Spider on "Vanguards of Freedom" 82nd Airborne Patch on "Follow Me" 25th Infantry Division Patch & 225th FSB Crest on "Khandahar Mosque" Afghanistan Map Contour on "Let Freedom Ring" 7th Special Forces Group on "Let Freedom Ring" Chaplain Corps Crest on "Let Freedom Ring" Combat Infantry Badge on "Let Freedom Ring" Dental Corps Insignia on "Let Freedom Ring" ODB 340 Logo on "Reload" Engineer Castle on "Let Freedom Ring" HALO Skill Badge on "Let Freedom Ring" JAG Crest on "Let Freedom Ring" ODA 344 Logo on "Let Freedom Ring" Ordnance Corps Regimental Crest on "Let Freedom Ring" ODA 734 Logo on "Let Freedom Ring" Scuba Bubble on "Let Freedom Ring" Signal Corps Crest on "Let Freedom Ring" Medical Corps Crest on "Let Freedom Ring" In Memorial on "Let Freedom Ring" "Khandahar Mosque" with Warrant Officer Crest VMI Spider & 10th Mountain Division Patch on "Follow Me" VMI Barracks sketched on "Relax, We've Got Two Minutes" USMC "Eagle, Globe & Anchor" on "American Pride" Special Forces Crest on "American Pride" VMI Spider drawn into "Bush Hogs" 3rd Special Forces Group Flash on "American Pride" 2nd Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group Crest on "American Pride" Ranger Tab on "American Pride" Special Forces Crest on "World War II Medic"
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