Company Vision & Charter

…..by 2012, nearly 100 Custom-Designed, Limited-Edition Sets of Original Print Designs touched around 25,000 People across several Continents………
…..later in 2012, Divergent Thinking took hold & we exclusively partnered with the Virginia Studio of renowned Marble Artisan Jimmy Slaughter….... Producing uniquely Original “One-Off” Genuine Black Marble pieces…….
…..in 2013, our Imaginations and Experimentation pushed us even further & developed what we now call “2D Skulpture Kunst” (2D Sculpture Art)……
…..by 2014, SOLOVEY DESIGN.COM will launch offering an Artistically Exquisite Selection of Hand-Crafted & Individually-Tailored line of Fine Gifts for Homes, Kitchens, Dens, & Club Rooms………….unlike you have ever seen before………
We currently offer:
- Commissioned Original Artwork in Pencil, Watercolor, Oil on a limited-basis
- Original, Limited-Edition Sets of Unit or Organizational Prints Custom-Designed literally from “scratch”
- Black Marble Engravings of any previously-released Print
- Black Marble Service Plates completely customized “to-order” for Retirements, Farewells, & Achievement
- Black Marble Memorial Pieces
COMPANY MISSION: Produce the Highest Quality & Most Passionate Art in the World in different mediums. Compose each piece with an Unrivaled Degree of Exacting Detail & Refinement. Thoroughly Research every Conceivable Detail. Endstate: Meet the Patron’s Intent & Always Exceed Expectations. Do what “everyone else” is not doing.
- Never ever sacrifice Quality.
- Take each new piece to the Next Level.
- The patron is always part of the creative process.
- No “Hollywood Art.”
- Always give the Customer more than Expected
- Be Prolific & Divergent.
- Keep Originality a Priority. No Spin-offs.
- Give back to the Community.
The American Dream and Defining Success: Success equals Fulfillment. For me personally, fulfillment is the combination of three very specific ideals:
- Probably the most rewarding concept for me is to “build something from nothing”-- whether it be composing a piece of artwork from scratch or to designing, engineering, & then building an automobile from ground-up. All the while, pouring every ounce of your energy, talent, and heart into that specific vision.
- Continually improve & seek to be the epitome in whatever niche you pursue. And then expand into other areas using divergent thinking.
- Then there is the process of taking that end product(s) and sharing it. And then hopefully, others will feed from it & find inspiration that carries over into their respective pursuits. Then take it a step further--and mentor those junior to you.